Diabetes and weight management

At DESA Consulting, we understand the significant impact that diabetes and weight management can have on overall health and well-being. Ms Shabnam Ahmadi, our esteemed specialist in this field, is dedicated to providing comprehensive care and guidance to patients seeking effective management strategies.

Ms Shabnam Ahmadi

Nurse Practitioner, Credentialled Diabetes Educator, Weight Management Consultant, Aesthetics Practitioner and Surgical Assistant

Diabetes Management

Managing diabetes requires a multifaceted approach, combining lifestyle modifications, medication management, and regular monitoring. Ms Ahmadi works closely with each patient to develop individualised treatment plans that focus on blood sugar control, prevention of complications, and improving overall quality of life. With her guidance, patients gain a deeper understanding of diabetes and learn effective self-management techniques.

Weight Management

Maintaining a healthy weight is crucial for overall well-being and the management of various health conditions, including diabetes. Ms Ahmadi offers personalised weight management strategies tailored to each patient’s unique needs. These strategies may include dietary guidance, physical activity recommendations, behaviour modification techniques, and, if necessary, medical interventions to support healthy weight loss.

Weight Management Programs

We take a comprehensive approach to your health, working to improve your physical strength, dietary habits, and mental well-being. Our programs offer a unique blend of medical and non-medical programs consisting of weekly consultations, personalised workouts, one-on-one support, and mental health counseling appointments.

Comprehensive Care and Support

Ms Shabnam Ahmadi and her team provide comprehensive care and ongoing support to patients throughout their diabetes and weight management journey. They take the time to listen to patients’ concerns, address any questions, and provide guidance at every step. The focus is not only on disease management but also on promoting long-term lifestyle changes that lead to improved health and well-being.
