Strength and Conditioning

At DESA Consulting, we are dedicated to helping individuals achieve their fitness and performance goals through expert strength and conditioning programs. Mark Hassan Aiava, our experienced strength and conditioning specialist, is here to guide and support you on your fitness journey.

Mr Mark Hassan Aiava

Mobility and Rehabilitation Coordinator

Strength and conditioning programs and training

Our strength and conditioning programs are personalised to meet the unique goals and requirements of each individual. Mark works closely with clients to assess their current fitness level, understand their specific objectives, and develop a program that focuses on building strength, improving endurance, enhancing agility, and maximising performance.

Mark Hassan Aiava utilises a comprehensive approach that incorporates a variety of training techniques and methodologies. This includes resistance training, cardiovascular conditioning, functional movements, flexibility exercises, and sport-specific drills. Each training session is designed to challenge and progress individuals towards their desired outcomes.

In addition to improving athletic performance, our strength and conditioning programs also prioritise injury prevention. Mark Hassan Aiava focuses on developing functional strength, stability, and mobility to help individuals minimize the risk of injuries and maintain long-term physical well-being. By addressing muscle imbalances and weaknesses, clients can enhance their overall fitness and reduce the likelihood of setbacks.